Support us for
1 Million Al Balagh Students by 2025
In the previous year, with the help of Allah ﷻ and your continuous support, we delivered 3,500+ online teaching sessions, including 315,000+ teaching minutes benefiting 12000+ students from over 100+ countries. Alhumdulillah, Al Balagh students have spent over 20 Million Minutes on our platform to acquire Prophetic knowledge.
Why Support Us?
Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation, and as part of its vision and mission, it endeavours to provide courses and services at an affordable fee and, when possible, for free. Our mission is to convey the noble message of our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and to preserve His صلى الله عليه وسلم legacy by providing easy and affordable access to Islamic education to all over the world. The Academy does not seek to make a profit. All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.
Support us for 1 Million Al Balagh Students by 2025
Your kind donations will help us spread the divine knowledge to 1 Million Muslims worldwide by 2025. No one can truly imagine the immense reward of spreading such beneficial knowledge. Your small sacrifice and commitment to the future of the Ummah and the preservation of Islamic knowledge will be rewarded by the Almighty Allah in this world and in the Hereafter. The generosity of Allah is not limited, it is infinite!
Our vision is to ensure that Al Balagh education remains accessible to all who wish to study Islam online under reliable scholars and lecturers’ guidance. We are working towards building one online Islamic education platform that could facilitate over 1 Million Muslims by 2025.
The Almighty Allah says;
“Lend unto Allah a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your behalf, you shall find it with Allah, as better and richer in reward.” [Quran 73: 20]
It is also narrated in another Hadith:
The Prophet said: “When a person dies his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, the knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.” [Muslim, Al-Tirmidhi]
Through your financial support, we will be able to achieve our target of 1 million students earlier and more effectively, and so will be able to witness the outcomes sooner. Insha’Allah this donation will become an ongoing charity and a source of Sadaqa Jariyyah for you, reaping a continuous reward for generations to come.
We believe that Islamic education is the only powerful weapon that can unleash the potential of Ummah and help them to change the world by implementing Islamic knowledge in their lives and making meaningful contributions to the global society. With the rising generation of youth, increasing penetration of online technology, We hope to become the next driving force in online Islamic education. We also ensure our traditional on-site Islamic institutions adopt online technology during the pandemic by providing necessary training and advice.
Please consider making a donation whatever you can, big or small. Together we can make a difference!
Envisioning a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their life by accessing the world's best Islamic Education
As a global innovator in Online Islamic learning, Al Balagh Academy provides students the opportunity to study Islam wherever they are in the world. Our online and flexible learning programmes, supported by Sharia scholars and experienced subject experts, allows students worldwide to study independently, whilst implementing their Islamic knowledge into their lives, their families, their work, and other important pursuits. We are now developing an online Islamic education platform that can facilitate and accommodate over 1 Million Muslim students by 2025 Insha’Allah.

Islamic learning is extremely important to maintain a balance between deen and Dunya and to live and enjoy every stage of life in compliance with God’s wishes. Knowing one’s religion, its roots, and the wisdom it parts brings contentment and tranquillity in our lives.
We have therefore set an important target to bring the light of Islamic knowledge to 1 million students by 2025 with your support and Duas. Al Balagh Academy is on a journey to build a global online platform for the Ummah, which will help us become better connected to Islam, enhance our emaan, support us to learn and share Islamic knowledge and remove doubts and instil conviction and pride in our traditional heritage. The eventual goal is to bring about a significant impact of authentic Islamic education to millions of lives, leading to a meaningful contribution to the betterment of humanity.
Together we can make a difference!
Removing Doubts about Islam
Al Balagh Academy offers online courses and webinars to deconstruct Atheism, Feminism, and other ideologies that create confusion amongst Muslims. Our main aim is to help the Muslim Ummah revive their faith in Islam and defend Islam in the right way and thwart away misconceptions about Islam. Alhamdulillah more than 12000+ students from all over the world have attended these sessions and can respond to criticisms against Islam. Now, we are planning to reach out to thousands of Muslim students studying in Universities and colleges by providing them free access to this unique course. We are also trying to produce a new cohort leadership of Muslim intellectuals, academics and Sharia scholars who will challenge Atheism through research, education and teaching by offering advanced courses on the same subject.
Empowering Muslim Sisters
One of the main goals of Al Balagh is to empower our Muslim sisters across the globe through quality Islamic education and online training. Currently, 1500+ sisters from all around the world, including developing countries, are studying with us; further, we aim to extend this to over five thousand sisters by the end of this year. The aim is to support women in being the best that they can be as mothers, career women, teachers and subject experts, yet maintain their Islamic values and pride. One of the accomplishments that we have achieved this year is to launch a dedicated Takhassus Fil Fiqh Programme exclusively for Sisters, to produce a new generation of advanced female scholarship in the field of Fiqh who can guide the Ummah through education, research and training.
Engaging With Muslim Intellectuals, Professionals, Parents and Teachers
There is no doubt that without parents, teachers, professionals and intellectuals, it is difficult to build and grow a Muslim academic society. Henceforth, we will focus on providing structured online courses for Muslim scholars, professionals, parents and teachers who quest Islamic knowledge and pass it on to future generations to strengthen their connection with Allah by learning more about the divine knowledge revealed by Allah. The main goal is to build a forum and networks among Ulama, intellectuals, professionals and academics who can revive Islamic values and rulings in the contemporary world.
Reviving Islamic Rulings in the Real-World
We hope our courses will continue to help thousands of Muslims in general and professionals, in particular, learn to apply Fiqh rulings in their practical life and be rewarded here in this world and the hereafter.
We are trying to re-evaluate the most appropriate application of Islamic rulings in the real world and take Islamic Fiqh to a deeper level by building networks amongst Ulama, improving engagement with professionals, academics, subject experts. We take a multi-disciplinary approach and produce High-quality Islamic Fiqh literature that could be a source of guidance for Muslim professionals worldwide.
We are now focussing on other industries and professions like family lawyers, barristers, Islamic banking, Islamic teaching, Islamic history and much more.
Cultivating The Spirit of Islamic Education
The growing state of confusion among Muslim Ummah is due to the lack of authentic knowledge or shallow understanding of Classical Islamic text. Therefore, we aim to offer well-structured, short and long-term online courses, webinars, seminars on the Quran, Tafsir, Hadith, Usul Al-Hadith, Fiqh, Usul Al-Fiqh, Aqeedah and various other traditional and classical Islamic studies to help develop and enhance the level of knowledge of our Muslim Ummah. By the end of next year alone, we hope to offer more than 100+ courses and reach out to at least 20000+ students.
Ulama Training & Development
Ulama are the bearers of authentic Islamic knowledge and the guidance centre for the Muslim Ummah. In today’s complex world, which has witnessed a series of political and technological revolutions, Ulama has a great responsibility to guide the Muslim Ummah. Our specialised courses are focussed on skills development and capacity building to support and produce a new generation of Ulama who are thinkers and who can serve in a better way and play a more impactful role in our multicultural and multidimensional societies. Those who have a multidisciplinary approach and become internationally recognised subject experts. With a network of over 1000 Ulama who have benefitted from our courses. We have sharpened and upgraded their skills, and we aim to achieve our vision to reach at least 5000+ more Ulama through our tailor-made courses on various aspects of Islam and Islamic sciences by the end of next year. These courses can grow in their impact and effectiveness and achieve big goals. We are also offering exclusive online Takhassus programmes on advanced Fiqh, Tafseer, Hadith, Islamic Banking, Halal Food and Islamic Family Law to produce a new generation of Muslim leaders. The latter can guide the Ummah on a global level through education, research and public speaking.