Your Academy Needs Your Support

Sacrifice During the Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah: Your Monthly Donation Will Help Al Balagh Preserve Prophetic Knowledge and Create a Meaningful Impact on Thousands of Muslims Worldwide

A Small Sacrifice, A World of Difference

Imagine the profound impact of donating just £10 a month—less than the cost of a coffee. This small sacrifice can change the lives of 25,000 students this year by providing them with the guidance and wisdom of Prophetic teachings, transforming their futures. If you're ready to make this difference, join our Al Badr Community by donating monthly. Your support is crucial for Al Balagh to reach 25,000 students in one year and 1 million students by 2027.

Your Sacrifice, Their Future

As we enter the sacred last 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah, we invite you to create a profound and lasting impact on thousands of lives worldwide. Your journey with Al Balagh has been a blessing, enriching your life with Prophetic knowledge and leaving a profound impact. Let's work together to ensure others have the same chance to access this life-changing, transformative knowledge. By guiding them towards Jannah and protecting them from the fire of Jahannam, we can truly make a difference. We need 313 Monthly Al Badr Donors to help 25,000 students this year and 1 million students by 2027 gain access to the Prophetic teachings.
Your monthly sacrifice will ensure that the light of Islamic knowledge continues to shine brightly across the globe, touching hearts and transforming futures. Together, we can reach every city and country, spreading the Prophetic light  worldwide.


Donate Your Zakat During Dhul-Hijjah For Multiplied Rewards!

Give up to 30% of your Zakat to sponsor our Zakat eligible Takhassus and Alimiyyah students. We ensure that the Zakat funds are allocated for Zakat purposes according to Shariah and directly benefit the students from economically poor backgrounds for pursuing higher Islamic education, Alimiyyah and Takhassus (Post Alimiyyah) studies.

Your Zakat will be used to prepare the next generation of Islamic leadership, reaping continued rewards for generations to come. In Sha Allah.

Support us to Spread the Light of Divine Knowledge to Millions of Muslims Worldwide

Do you know about a pandemic which is much worse than COVID-19 and has caused much more harm, killing hearts and minds?

That is the pandemic of ignorance, a state where due to lack of knowledge about faith and spirituality, the hearts die. This has been spreading for a much longer period and continues wave after wave spreading amongst the Muslim Ummah and not only damaging our souls but also attempting to deprive us of our key Islamic traditional values and beliefs! Due to the pandemic of ignorance, millions of Muslims don’t know about basic and essential Islamic rulings related to their personal, professional and social lives.  

Al Balagh’s aims to end this pandemic of ignorance and make the treasure of divine knowledge accessible to millions of Muslims worldwide using world-class online technology. Our vision is to ensure that authentic Islamic education remains accessible to all who wish to study Islam. We are working towards building one online Islamic education platform that could facilitate Millions Muslims and reach every corner of the world.  

The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah and the last ten nights of Ramadan is an immensely blessed time of the year, as they combine acts of worship in a way unlike any other time.

These sacred ten days is an incredible opportunity to give to charity because all the rewards you receive from giving Sadaqah or Lillah will be multiplied many, many times over.

Make the best use of this opportunity and reap immeasurable rewards from Allah by performing as many good deeds as possible, and by donating to Al Balagh Academy for the pleasure of Allah and gain incomprehensible reward in return for so little of this world!

Your kind donations will help us spread reliable Islamic knowledge to Millions of Muslims worldwide. No one can truly imagine the immense reward of spreading such beneficial knowledge. Your small sacrifice and commitment to the future of the Ummah and the preservation of Islamic knowledge will be rewarded by the Almighty Allah in this world and in the Hereafter. The generosity of Allah is not limited, it is infinite!

The Almighty Allah says;

“The semblance of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah SWT, is as the likeness of a grain of corn, which grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah SWT gives manifold increase to whomever He pleases. Allah SWT is All-Sufficient, All-Knowing.” 

Qur’an (2:261)

It is also narrated in a Hadith:

The Prophet said: “When a person dies his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, the knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.”

[Muslim, Al-Tirmidhi]

Through your financial support, we will be able to achieve our target of disseminating the light of authentic Islamic knowledge to every home and preserving the Prophetic legacy. 

This is an exceptional opportunity to gain immense reward from Almighty Allah ﷻ by donating in the sacred 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Make the best of this opportunity to contribute to this noble cause by making Dua and by generously donating. Your donation will become a source of Sadaqa Jariyyah for you, reaping a continuous reward for generations to come.

Please consider making a donation whatever you can, big or small.Together we can make a difference!

Al Balagh Key Initiatives

Through our specialised courses, webinars and conferences, we are actively working towards:

  • Preserving Iman and Islamic values in a contemporary world. 
  • Facilitating easy access to reliable and traditional Sharia Scholars as well as Subject experts of relevant scientific and academic fields.
  • Deploying state-of-the-art online teaching technologies to serve to Millions of Muslims worldwide.
  • Transforming the lives through the light of divine knowledge revealed on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and making them more closer to Allah through structued spiritual Tarbiyah.