Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

Offered 150+ varied online Islamic courses at an affordable fee and, when possible, for free.

Aim to help everyone to become better connected to Islam, enhance emaan, remove doubts and nurture conviction and pride in our traditional heritage through 5600+ online sessions.
Provided over 3,200+ scholarships worth over £140,000 in the past year to those who could not afford to study otherwise.
Organised 30+ free online webinars and 2 international conferences facilitating over 8500+ Muslims globally.
Awarded 90+ scholarships worth over £25,000 to Alimiyyah and Takhassus Students, preparing for successive next level leadership for the future of Ummah.

Developed first-of-its-kind. Sharia-compliant video streaming app- Balaghy.

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.

Support Al Balagh Academy

Help Al Balagh preserve the prophetic knowledge and spread it to Millions of Muslims worldwide using the latest online education technology with your kind donation during the blessed month of Ramadan.

£97,241 of £100,000 raised
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Donation Total: £10.00 One Time

Offered by Al Balagh
Offered 150+ varied online Islamic courses at an affordable fee and, when possible, for free.
Provided by Al Balagh
Provided over 3,200+ scholarships worth over £140,000 in the past year to those who could not afford to study otherwise.
Awarded by Al Balagh
Awarded 90+ scholarshipsworth over £25,000 to Alimiyyah and Takhassus Students, preparing for successive next level leadership for the future of Ummah.
Aim of Al Balagh
Aim to help everyone to become better connected to Islam, enhance emaan, remove doubts and nurture conviction and pride in our traditional heritage through 5600+ online sessions.
Organized by Al Balagh
Organised 30+ free online webinars and 2 international conferences facilitating over 8500+ Muslims globally.
Developed by Al Balagh
Developed first-of-its-kind. Sharia-compliant video streaming app- Balaghy.
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Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

Offered 150+ varied online Islamic courses at an affordable fee and, when possible, for free.

Awarded 90+ scholarships worth over £25,000 to Alimiyyah and Takhassus Students, preparing for successive next level leadership for the future of Ummah.

Provided over 3,200+ scholarships worth over £140,000 in the past year to those who could not afford to study otherwise.

Organised 30+ free online webinars and 2 international conferences facilitating over 8500+ Muslims globally.

Aim to help everyone to become better connected to Islam, enhance emaan, remove doubts and nurture conviction and pride in our traditional heritage through 5600+ online sessions.

Developed first-of-its-kind. Sharia-compliant video streaming app- Balaghy.

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.

Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

scholarships worth over

free online webinar

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.

Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

Offered 150+ varied online Islamic courses at an affordable fee and, when possible, for free.

Awarded 90+ scholarships worth over £25,000 to Alimiyyah and Takhassus Students, preparing for successive next level leadership for the future of Ummah.

Provided over 3,200+ scholarships worth over £140,000 in the past year to those who could not afford to study otherwise.

illustration for mobile

Organised 30+ free online webinars and 2 international conferences facilitating over 8500+ Muslims globally.

Aim to help everyone to become better connected to Islam, enhance emaan, remove doubts and nurture conviction and pride in our traditional heritage through 5600+ online sessions.

Developed first-of-its-kind. Sharia-compliant video streaming app- Balaghy.

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.

Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

scholarships worth over

free online webinar

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.

Why Support Us

Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation. As part of our mission to achieve our aims, in the past year we:

scholarships worth over

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

free online webinar facilitating over

scholarships worth over

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

free online webinar facilitating over

scholarships worth over

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

free online webinar facilitating over

scholarships worth over

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

free online webinar facilitating over

scholarships worth over

varied online courses

scholarships worth over

free online webinar facilitating over

All funds cover the costs incurred in delivering courses and services and in the sustainability of quality and growth. Many of our courses are subsidised by the Academy through the support of generous donors like you.